
We want to see your voice take flight. Founded in 2023, American Youth Literary Journal strives to become a staple in the business of uplifting young voices. Spearheaded by a high schooler and designed to uplift those high school age and younger, AYJL is excited to welcome submissions from emerging writers and new creatives. We strive to create an open, vulnerable space that amplifies all those who are brave enough to share their work. We want to be your first publication.

If you have any questions, thoughts of collaborations, or proposals, shoot us a line at americanyouthliteraryjournal@gmail.com.

Want to keep up with aylj?

Keep up with us on social media. Find AYLJ on Twitter @AYLJournal and Instagram @americanyouthliteraryjournal.


Join the staff of a national youth literary magazine. We are always eager to expand our team of emerging creatives. We are currently open to applications for Staff Readers and a Social Media Coordinator. Prior experience is preferred but not required - we are excited to welcome all those who are eager to gain experience working for a literary publication.

Apply for a position via this form.